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高考英语动词复习(4) -英语教案









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2019-9-13 23:46:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [热点透视] 情态动词表推测的用法;情态动词的完成时。

  [难点剖析] mustcan’tshouldn’t
eedn’tought toetc.+ have done 的意义及用法;shall 用于二、三人称表允诺,命令,警告,强制等;must, can, may表推测用法见下表。


  单词 用法

  must 用于肯定句中,肯定语气最强。must not表“禁止”。

  can 不用于肯定句中,肯定语气次之。若用于肯定句中,表偶尔一时的特征。can’t表“不可能”。

  may 用于肯定句中,肯定语气最弱。may not表“可能不”。


  24.(03-28) A left-luggage office is a place where bags ______be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.

  A. should B. can

  C. must D. will


  25.(04-29) — Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

  — No, it ____be him—I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

  A. can’t B. must not

  C. won’t D. may not

  can’t 表不可能,语气肯定,破折号加以注释,据题意,选A。

  [备考策略]①考生应熟练掌握情态动词used towould表过去常常的区别;canmay表许可的区别;shouldought to表应该的区别;coulde able to表能力的区别。



  26. (辽04-29) —Mum, I’ve been studying English since 8 o’clock. _____I go out and play with Tom for a while?

  — No, I’m afraid not. Besides, it’s raining outside now.

  A. Can’t B. Wouldn’t

  C. May not D. Won’t

  27. (浙04-26) I ____pay Tracy a visit, but I’m not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.

  A. should B. might

  C. would D. could

  Key A A


  [热点透视] 非谓语动词作状语、定语和补语

  [难点剖析] ①非谓语动词作状语:注意前后逻辑主语一致;结合省略对考生进行综合考查;区别祈使句式和并列结构,关注标点符号,在解题时尤为关键。

  ②非谓语动词作定语:不定式作定语表动作尚未发生,与所修饰名词构成动宾关系。若不定式逻辑主语同时也为句子主语,用主动表被动,反之用被动(如:I’m leaving on business. Do you have anything to be taken there?),另还需注意不及物动词加介词;现在分词作定语表动作正在进行或习惯性经常性动作;过去分词作定语表动作完成,与所修饰名词构成动宾关系。

  ③非谓语动词作补语:能后跟非谓语动词作宾补的动词数量有限,格外注意使役动词和感官动词;为增加试题的干扰性,将宾语和补语分离改作定语从句的先行词(如:The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.)或将作宾补改作主补(如:The missing boys were last seen playing near the river.);注意“with+ n.pron.+补语”结构的用法。


  例 Which do you enjoy to kill your spare time—watching TV or playing football?

  ⑤疑问词+to do 的用法。

  例 It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows what to do with it.


  28. (02-34) The research is so designed that once ____nothing can be done to change it.

  A. begins B. having begun

  C. beginning D. begun

  此题结合省略考查过去分词的用法,完整的从句为once it was begun,故选D。

  29. (03-22) A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____in the kitchen.

  A. smoke B. smoking

  C. to smoke D. smoked

  现在分词作主补,是find+n.+doing sth的变形,故选B。

  [备考策略] 明辨关系,看动作进展,充分考虑时态和语态,慎重选择三种形式。


  30. (京04-29)_____in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

  A. To wait B. Have waited

  C. Having waited D. To have waited

  31. (沪04-35)The disk, digitally ____in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.

  A. recorded B. recording

  C. to be recorded D. having recorded

  Key:C A



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