Step 1 Warming up 1.Greeting. 2.Free talk. T: What’s the weather like today? S: It’s cloudy. T: Maybe it will be rainy. Do you like rain?I like rain because of the rainbow. It’s beautiful. 3.Listen and sing the song“Colour song”. Answer the questions:How many colours are there in a rainbow?What are they? (设计意图:通过听唱歌曲复习本课要涉及到的颜色单词:red,yellow,green为新授做铺垫。) Step 2 Presentation Let’s learn. 出示幻灯片:traffic lights. What are they?通过train,music学习traffic读音.(设计意图:对比学习,通过已学单词相同部分发音学习新授单词,体现学生自主学习) What do they mean?(设计意图:小组讨论,自主探究) 学习交通规则:Go at a green light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light.(边做动作) 学习单词和词组:Slow down、stop、wait. 通过出示幻灯片,学习Don’t go. You must...等句型。 Step 3 Games. 1.快速反应 2.帮助盲人过马路 (设计意图:机械操练,使学生熟练掌握重点句型。“帮助盲人过马路”游戏培养关爱他人的情感意识) Step 4 “我会填”(设计意图:高年级学生有意识培养写的习惯,巩固重点单词。) Step 5 Let’s talk. Students read the dialogue and answer the questions. Which traffic light do Mike and Mrs smith see?What should they do? Step 6 Pair work. Make a new dialogue like the model.(What do you do on the weekend?Where will you go?Tell me your plan.) (设计意图:发挥英语的语用功能,在具体的语言交际中运用新学知识) Step 7 播放车祸视频What do you think about it?学生谈感想,情感升华。 Homework 上网搜集关于交通规则及交通标志的英语表达方式。 |