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英语 - Unit 1 My friends (Oxford English Book 3A) -英语教案









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Teaching time: Oct ,18 , 2001

Teaching class: Class 3 ,Grade 4

Teacher: Chen Ruyi

Teaching topic: Unit 1 My friends (Oxford English Book 3A)

Unit 1 My friend

Ⅰ. Language focus:

1.Asking Wh-questions to find out a persons identify.

e.g. Who are you?

2.Using indefinite articles to mention something or someone for th first time.

e.g. Im a girl

3.Using adjective to describe people.

e.g. Im tall./Hes short.

Ⅱ. Language skills

1. Speaking

Using modelled phrases to open and maintain an interaction by providing in formation in response to

factual question

e.g.Who are you? Im a girl .Im short.


Locate specific information in response to simple questions


Add personal ideas and information to writing when a framework is provided


1.Students Book 3A page 15

2.Cassette 3A and a cassette player

3.Picture Cards of fat , thin , big ,small , tall, short .

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warm Up

1.Sing an English song: :The alphabet song


Hello!/ Hi!/Good morning!/How are you? etc.

3.Ask some pairs to make dialogue

e.g. S1: Hello, Im x x, Whats your name?

S2: Hello, Im x x

S1:How are you?

S2.Im fine, thanks. How are you ?

S1.Im fine too, thanks.

S2: Good bye!

S1: Good bye!

Step 2 Pr-task Preparation

1.Review:boy ,girl .

2.Introduce tall,short

a. Show a photo and point to the photo. Ask: Whos she?

to elicit: Shes Miss Chen.

T: Yes, its me. Whos she?(point to my friend)

to elicit: Shes my friend. I have some friends

(Write down on Bb)

b. T: Now look at the photo . Im tall. Shes short.

(Write down tall short on Bb)

Students repeat tall .

Draw a stick on Bb

T: Is he tall?

Ss: Yes

T:Who can draw a short man here?

(Ask a student to draw it on Bb)

T: Is he short?

Ss: Yes.

Students repeat short

3.Introduce fat, thin

a. Draw a fat people and a thin people on Bb to illustrate fat , thin

b. Students repeat fat , thin

4.Introduce small , big

a. T: He is fat and he is big too

(point to a fat and big boy)

Students repeat big

b.Show a big apple

T: Is it big?

Ss: Yes

T draws a big apple on Bb.Then draw a small apple on Bb

T: Is it big?

to elicit: No, its small.

Students repeat small.

Step 3 While-task Procedure

1.Show some pictures on Bb

e.g.. T: Who is fat? Please pick it out .

Let individual student pick out.

2.Show some pictures

T:Would you say something about the picture . For example , He is young . He is tall . etc

Invite individual students to say out.

3.Pla the cassette for look and say .

4.Students listen and repeat.

5.Encourage students to talk about themselves in terms of size and sex, using the About me model.

e.g., Im a girl . Im tall .Im big etc.

Invite some students to talk

Step 4 Post- task Activity

1.Play a guessing game . One. student is blind folded.

The rest of class chooses a member which will describe himself / herself.

The blindfolded student make guesses . The rest of the class confirms or denies the guess with yes /no .

2.Finish off workbook page 1.

a.Explain : Tick

b.Read 1 and 2 on page 10.

c.The students complete 3 and 4.

d. The students trace and write in the missing words and tick the cornet boxes.

e.Students draw their pictures in the panel and complete th description .

Step 5 Consolidation

1.At this stage Grammar practice Book 3A page 12

could be used to practice and consolidate the

language in this section further .


a.Copy nw words for three times

b.Read the text on page 15 for twice

Ⅴ . Writing

Unit 1 My friends

tall short big small fat thin
英语 - Unit 1 My friends (Oxford English Book 3A)


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