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高二unit 15 A Famous Detectative -英语教案









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Unit 15 A famous detective
Lesson 57

Step 1 Revision
1.Check the homework exercises.
2.Ask the students some questions quickly about their daily life.

Step 2 Presentation
1.Read the introduction aloud. Ask the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions: Why did Mr. Ball call on Mrs. Zhu? How much do you know about Dr. Zhang?
2.Let the students to answer the questions in pairs and check with the whole class.
(1. To him a massage about the date for the conference; 2. He lives in Guangzhou; is on a visit to Beijing; has some personal affairs to see to; is visiting some relatives.)
3.Ask the students to guess the meaning of the new words.

Step 3 Dialogue
1.Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.
2.Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the students understand it.
3.Play the tape again, and the students to listen and repeat.
4.Ask the students to practise in pairs.

Step 4 Language points
1.Mr. Ball has just called on Mrs. Zhu to give her a massage.
* call on: to visit sb. formally 拜访,去会见某人; call at 拜访某地
I hope to call on you at your office at 3 o’clock today.
She called on the old teacher once a month.
We often call at the place of interest.
* drop in at/ on : visit unexpectedly or informally顺便拜访
Drop in and see me when you are next in Beijing.
He often drops in for coffee.
He often drops in at my place on his way home.
We dropped in on our teacher when we went to town.
2.Do come in.
* do 用在祈使句中或肯定句中加强语气.
Do come and jion us.
Please! Do be quitet a moment.
I do hope you will go with us.
I’ve got some personal affairs that I have to see to.
* have got = have 拥有,具有
I have got a new car.
Have you got any money with you?
She hasn’t got much time for the moment.
* see to = deal with 处理(某事),负责做(某事),照顾(某人)
I have got a lot of things to see to this afternoon.
Who is seeing to the arrangements for the next meeting?
I’ll see to the guests when they arrive.
4. It’s time I went and pick up my little girl from school.
* It’s time +主语+动词的过去式. “是某人该做某事的时候了”, 虚拟语气.
It is time you went to bed.
It is time they did cleaning.
It is high time that you studied hard.
* It is time for sth. / It is time to do sth. / it is time for sb. to do sth.
It is time for supper.
It is time to go to school.
It is time for us to go to school.
* pick up
1)拾起,捡起. He picked up a wallet on the ground and handed it in
2)采摘They are picking up the apples on the trees.
We must try our best to prevent children picking up the flowers in the garden.
3)获得,学会. She picked up English when was in Beijing in the 1930s.
We picked up so much knowledge when we were in the countryside.
4)看到,测知,收听到. My radio can pick up BBC. We couldn’t pick up the news yesterday evening.
5)中途搭人, 带货. The bus stopped to pick up the passengers.
6)恢复, 振作. A bite of something might pick you up. Have a rest and pick up your flesh. He picked up his courage and went on studied hard.
7)加速,提速. The train picked up speed. Let’s see how fast you can pick up from a standing start.
8)收拾, 整理. The farmers are picking up their tools. She is picking up her room.
9)逮住, 捉牢. The police managed to pick up the thief at the end.
10)跌到后使自己爬起来. He slipped and fell, but quickly picked himself up.

Step 5 Practice
1.Read through the phrases with the students. Then books shut. Do a repetition drill with the class, paying attention to intonation. Books open. Ask the students give some example sentences with It’s time I… Then let the students practise in pairs.
2.For the second activity, read the instructions aloud. Ask the students to make a similar dialogue, using other words and phrases.

Step 6 Workbook
1.Ex.1. Revise the everyday English expressions. Then get the students to do the dialogues in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
2.Ask several pairs to act out the dialogues.
3.Ex. 2 should be done orally in class. Point out the different patterns with similar. Encourage the students to produce as many as sentences as possible.
4. Ex.2. Ask some students to come to the Bb to write out the sentences.

Step 7 Homework
Finish off the Workbook exercises. Do Ex. 2 as written work. Get the students to do vocabulary preparation in Lesson 58, Part 1.

Lesson 58

Step 1 Revision
1.Ask the students to read and recite the dialogue.
2.Check the homework excesses. Check understanding of the vocabulary in Part 1 by asking questions.

Step 2 Presentation
1.Get the students to talk about the picture and describe what they can see.
2.Read the instruction and the questions.
3.Ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions in pairs.
(1. She was not sleeping well; she kept hearing the nosiness in the night; her uncle was acting strangely toward her; they had quirked. 2. Her uncle would get her money after her death; after examining the room, the hole in the wall and the bell rope, Holmes became worried. He told her that her life in danger and that it was not safe for her to sleep again in that room.)
Step 3 Reading
1.Let the students to read the passage carefully and answer the questions of Ex.1.
2.Check the answers with the whole class.
3.Ask the students to guess the meaning of the new words.

Step 4 Language points
1.Well known for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their personal affairs.
* 过去分词短语作状语,可表示原因,时间,条件,分别相当于一个从句.如:
Born into a poor family, he had only two years of schooling. = As he was born into a poor family, …)
Encouraged by Jim’s words, he continued his research work.
Seen from the hill, the town looks very beautiful.
Compared with developed countries, we still have a long way to go.
Take too much, the medicine could do harm to your health.

2.Her uncle seemed to be acting rather strangely towards her.
* seem to do/ to be doing/ to have done
It seemed to be raining all day yesterday.
He seemed to be feeling tried last week.
Several people in the crowed seemed to be fighting.
He seemed to have finished his homework.
* act: behave 行为,举止
The boy was acting badly in school.
You have acted generously.
He has acted very wrongly to you.
She acted kindly towards her servants.
3.I dare say my uncle will. I have no other relatives.
* I dare say = I daresay 我敢说.插入语或主语.
I dare say no one can catch up with us.
I dare say we will win the game.
We will win the game, I dare say.
Theses young students, I dare say, can pass the entrance examination.
* dare 情态动词,"敢","敢于".后接不定式,主要用于疑问,否定,条件及表示怀疑的句子中.
She dare not go out by herself at night.
--- Dare you go swimming in the sea?
--- No. I dare not.
If you dare speak to me like that, you will be sorry.
I wonder if he dare jump down from the bridge.
* dare vt.
--- Who dares to go? How about you?
--- Sorry , I don’t dare to go.
No body would dare to wake her up, even her little daughter.
--- Do you dare to ask him for help?
--- No, I don’t dare to.
The children don’t dare (to) make a sound while their parents are sleeping.
4.I can see it fastened to a nail.
*see/ hear/ watch/ find/… sb. p.p
I saw the child badly treated by his father.
I never heard the song sung in English.
On my way home, I found a house burnt down. You had better get your shoes cleaned.
5.No matter. I don’t think that will dalay us much.
* no matter = it no matter that the bedroom is locked.
No matter. = It doesn’t matter.
It no matter that he didn’t come.
I had som


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