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高二unit 14 Satellite -英语教案









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Unit 14 Satellites
Lesson 53

Step 1 Revision
1.Check the homework exercises: Ask some students to recite the passage about Albert Einstein. Tell the summary of the passage.
2.Ask the students something about satellites: What’s the Chinese for the word satellite? What are the satellites used for? Have you ever seen a satellite in the sky? How do you put a satellite into the sky?

Step 2 Presentation
1.Look at the picture and ask some questions about it.
2.Ask the students to read the dialogue and find out the answer to the questions: Where do Jane and Zhou Lan decide to go today? Why do they want to go there?
(To the Science Museum; there is a special exhibition about space and satellites.)

Step 3 Dialogue
1.Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.
2.Ask the students to read the dialogue several minutes.
3.Play the tape again; ask the students to try to imitate.
4.Ask the students to practise in pairs.

Step 4 Language points
1.I feel like going to a museum. What do you feel like doing?
* fell like 想(做某事),愿意.后接名词或动名词.如:
I fell like going for a walk. Will you go with me?
She doesn’t feel like eating. She must be ill.
Do you feel like tea or coffee?
* would like to do sth.
I would like to have a swim this afternoon.
2. So far as I know, it’s free.
* as far as 远到,到...为止,直到.
The children walked as far as the lake.
He used to take a walk after supper, often as far as two or three miles.
The golden rice fields stretch as far as the eyes you can see.
He walked as far as the village while I lived.
* as far as 据..., 就...,至于.表示程度和范围.
As far as I know, he is still working there.
As far as is can see, the weather is not likely to clear up for a few days.
We will help him as far as possible.
* by far (修饰比较级、最高级,强调数量和程度。)。。。得多;最。。。
He is by far the tallest among us.
His explanation is cleverer by far.
* far from 远离;远非,完全不;非但不。
You have done it well. Far from it.

*so far 迄今为止;就此范围(程度)说来
The workers are doing things no one has so far attempted.
So gar, so good.
So far the work has been easy.
2.No, not any more.
* not any more 不再。。。 表示过去的情况不再继续
I don’t work in the Science Museum any more.
It used to be free but now you have to pay. It isn’t free any more.
* no longer / no more / not any longer / not any more 不再, 再也不
--- no more / no longer 放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前. no more 多用来修饰具体动词;no longer多用来修饰某种具体状态动词.例如:
He no longer lived here.
He has no more trouble.
Bruce works in a company. He is no more a student.
--- 表示时间“一度,曾经”,强调以前的情况不再继续下去,once but not now。用no longer, not any longer, not any more.但no longer, not any longer多与持续性动词连用;not any more 多与终止性动词连用。
She used to study English, but she doesn’t study it any longer/any more.
I am afraid she doesn’t live here any longer/any more.
Does Tom live here? No he no longer lives here.
He is no longer happy.
He doesnt come here any more. ( 不用any longer)
---涉及数量或程度时,要用no more. ---替代事物时用 not any more.
There is no more bread on the desk.
I have no more money to spend on new clothes.
I don’t want any more.
He is no more a genius than I am.
---下列情况只用no more.
Since no more persons come, Let’s begin. (Adj.)
When no more steam comes, they might get burnt
He has no more books than I do.
I can’t sing this, no more can him.
3.Personally, I’d rather go to the Science Museum.
* personally adv. 就自己而言、就个人来说。= speaking for myself only.
Personally I agree to your plan.
She said she didn’t like it, but personally I thought it was very good.
Personally I think he is a very good man, but you may not agree with me.
4.They have got a special exhibition on this month.
* have got … on = have … on 有(某种活动)在进行。On 含“某事在发生或展示”的意思。
Have you got anything on this evening?
I’m sorry I can’t attend your party, I have a meeting on for that night.

Step 5 Practice
1.Make up a dialogue, using the following phrases to replace those printed in bold in the dialogue.
art museum/exhibition, hot/cold one/see National Art Museum/exhibition of clothing open was open last week it’s closed Engineering Museum boats/the sea ship
2.Part 2. Practise the questions and answers in pairs.
3.Change the dialogue into a short passage, referring to Ex.3.

Step 6 Dialogue making
Situation: John, Mary, on Sunday, go to a clothing show.

Step 7 Workbook
1.Ex.1. Read the dialogue quickly first. Then ask the students to discuss in pairs.
2.Ex.3. Give the students several minutes, encourage the students read out their sentences.

Step 8 Homework
1.Finish off all the exercises. Write down Ex.3 in the exercise book.
2.Revise the dialogue. read it over again and again, trying to recite it.
3.Make up a new dialogue.
4.Get the students to do the vocabulary preparation in Lesson 54, Part 1.

Lesson 54.

Step 1 Revision
1.Revise the dialogue in Lesson 53. Ask the students to read and recite the dialogue.
2.Check the dialogues that the students have prepared.
3.Ask the students to read out their short passage about the dialogue.
4.Check the vocabulary in Part 1 by asking comprehension questions.

Step 2 Presentation
1.Get the students to talk about the picture and describe what they can see.
2.Let the students read the passage and answer the questions. (1. Because it has to be light; it has expensive equipment; it contains very expensive cameras. 2. Radio and TV programmes; signals; information and photos of weather conditions.]

Step 2 Reading
1.Go through Ex.1 and make sure the students know what to do.
2.Let the students read the passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs.
3.Check the answers with the whole class.
4.Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.
5.Ask the students to read the passage.

Step 3 Note making
Types of satellite: broadcasting/ weather/ communication/ space
What satellites can do: take photo/ make electricity/ change direction/ receive and send signals/ collect and send information/ carry out experiments

Step 4 Language points
1.First, it must be Very light, the lighter the better, because it has to be sent up into space by a rocket.
* the more, the more 越......, 越......
The sooner, the better.
The more, the better.
The higher it flies, the smaller it appears.
The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.
2.It has equipment for making electricity from sunshine, using very broad sun panels.
* make A from B 用A制成B
She made a dress from this material.
* be made from
* be made of
* be made into
* be made up of
The bridge was made of stones.
Mother made my trousers from an old pair of my father’s.
The school was made up of two parts.
Bamboo can be made into paper.
* using very broad sun panels
Westerners eat food, using dorks and knives.
Please make a sentence, using the phrase “either… or”.
3. Once the satellite goes into orbit round the earth, the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine.
* once 一旦...就....引导时间状语从句,相当于 as soon as. 但as soon as强调时间的紧跟性,而once则更加强调条件,含if 之意.
You will love the beautiful place once you get there.
Once you get into the habit of smoking, you wont be able to give it up easily.
Once you understand the rule, you will have no further difficulty.
A decision shouldn’t be changed once it is made.
* once adv. 一次
They came to see me once every two months.
I used


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