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Mainly revision Lesson 91 -英语教案









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Lesson 91教学设计示例






Step 1 Revision

1  Use pictures and revise Whos this? Where is he / she? Whats he / she doing?

2  Get some students to ask the questions. Then practise in pairs.

3  Revise He / Shes wearing …

Step 2 Game

Perform an action. Ask What am I doing? Get students to guess Are you making a cake? etc . The student who guesses correctly then comes to the front of the classroom and performs an action for the class to guess.

Step 3 Listen and answer

SB Page 33, Part 1, Listening Cassette Lesson 91. Let the students look at the table in Wb Lesson 91, Ex. 2 before playing the tape. Play the tape three times.

Listening Text

(Playground noises)

A: Excuse me, Mrs King. Where are the twins?

B: I dont know.

A: We must find them. Its time to play basketball.

B: They are here somewhere. But look at all these children! Its not easy to find them.

A: What are they wearing? What colour are their clothes?

B: Well, Lucy is wearing green trousers and a blue blouse. Oh, what colour shoes is she wearing? I think theyre brown. Yes, shes wearing brown shoes.

A: What about Lily?

B: Lily — oh, shes wearing blue trousers and a sweater.

A: What colour is her sweater?

B: Its yellow, I think. Yes, its yellow.

A: What about her shoes?

B: Her shoes? Oh, sorry! I dont know.

A: Right! Lets go and find them.

After answering some questions orally, the students fill in the blanks in the table in the Wb Lesson 91, Ex. 2.

The answers are:

Lucy: green trousers, blue blouse, brown shoes

Lily: blue trousers, yellow sweater

Step 4 Read and act

1  SB Page 33, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 91. Working in pairs, have the students first cover the dialogue and describe the pictures to each other. Ask What are they wearing? What is happening? What are they looking for? etc . Help the students to answer. They may have different answers, but if the answer is reasonable according to the picture, then the answer is correct.

2  Books closed! Play the tape. On a scrap piece of paper, have the students write down all the words that they hear. (This is a good exercise to improve the students listening without looking at a chart, or only listening for certain information. In this exercise, the student is required to listen to everything.) Then ask What did you hear? Have the students tell you all that they heard, even if its just it, the, etc . However, at this point, the students should be able to give you “chunks” of language like, Excuse me. and I dont know. Write the words on the Bb. It is encouraging for the students to actually see all they are able to hear.

3  Play the tape again and have the students repeat.

4  Students read and act out the dialogue in groups of three.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into groups of three and do a roleplay. Tell the students they are in an international airport and that one of them has lost something. They may use the dialogue as a model, but they should try to act out the situation using the book as little as possible. They may change the dialogue as much as they want to. Remember, in a role-play the students do not write anything, but rather try to speak in that particular situation.

Step 6 Workbook

SB Page 109, Wb Lesson 91. Do Ex. 3 in class. Read aloud the instructions making sure the students know what to do. Encourage them to create different stories. The best ones may be put on display.


Write down the complete dialogue in the exercise book as required in Ex. 3.

Mainly revision Lesson 91教学设计


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