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(福建省福安市第九中学 陈苗玉 355015) 摘 要 学生词汇量的多少直接关系到英语语言能力的提高。由于缺乏语


关键词 单词记忆;方法;英语教学

Some Methods of Memorizing

English Words for Middle School Students

Abstract The amount of vocabulary has a direct effect on the improvement

of students’ English ability. Because of lacking of language environment, students generally feel that it is difficult to memorize words. Focusing on the problems, the author puts forward the effective methods of memorizing words of middle school students through analyzing the disadvantages of the traditional vocabulary teaching. These effective memorizing methods motivate students’ learning interest and improve students’ learning efficiency. Thus, how to enable students to be effective and positive remembering words and enlarge their vocabulary becomes the most important thing.

Key words memorizing words; method; English teaching

1. Introduction

Having a large number of vocabulary is one of the keys to learn English. But the vocabulary is difficult for students to learn language. In terms of teaching, how to improve students’ word memory will become the most important things in English teaching. And according to the students’ psychological characteristics, teachers can not only train students’ ability about word memory and they can use the scientific methods and techniques to improve their English vocabulary learning efficiency, but also focus on teaching strategies. So that vocabulary teaching has become more vivid and makes students understand and remember vocabularies easily. Therefore, learning English can be more relaxed, and these methods can stimulate interest in study.

2. The Problem of Students Memorizing Vocabulary

2.1 The neglect of students’ understanding ability

An English word may have some different kinds of meanings. Since a word can be used in different situation, its meaning changes from time to time. In English vocabulary teaching, some teachers only teach the concept meaning, not the other meaning in the English lesson. As a result, the students are not able to understand the whole meaning of the word. Thus, when the word is appeared in another context, they cannot understand it well enough. Some teachers ignore the presentation; the presentation can affect the students’ understanding and the use of the word.

2.2 The unconscious memory of words

Many students are not strong about the word memories. It is difficult for them to expand vocabulary. The reason is not that they do not study hard, but they don’t have

a better way to learn and memorize words. Some students only depend on rote, and they feel tired and cannot remember words well. However, students don’t use words accurately. With the advancement of the lesson, students need to memorize and master more and more words. Accordingly the rote method will make a lot of students get embarrassed burden. And before long the students will lose interest in learning English. Once they lack of interest, they will not read and memorize the words any more.Therefore, possessing effective ways to read and memorize words is very important for students to learn English. And during my practice, from those poor students, I found that their English performance formed a chain in the learning process when they lost their interest to learn English, such as “not a good learning method----they are very tired----they refuse to exercise----the poor academic performance in English.”(Xie Jun, 2001)

2.3 The disadvantages of several traditional vocabulary teaching method

The traditional vocabulary teaching is lack of scientific method in vocabulary teaching. On the one hand, it lets students memorize English words in isolation. On the other hand, it seldom links the vocabulary teaching to the students’ linguistic competence and their actual needs. It is boring and tiresome to students. What’s more, the traditional vocabulary teaching is failing to follow the memory rule.

There are two types of memory process, one is short-term memory, and the other one is long-term memory. Short-term memory means that the store of input only stay in your memory temporarily; while the long-term memory means in the store of input can stay in your memory for more than 10 days, even for the whole life(ZhouNing zuo 1991:91).

As a matter of fact, memory process is a recycling process. According to the survey of linguist called Felicity O’Dell, “the more times the word is used, the better you remember it.” (Felicity O’Dell, 1986). But there are still many teachers emphasizing the function of short-memory. They seem to care about the amount of vocabulary input than those actually staying in students’ memory.

Students are forced to remember a large amount of vocabularies in this way, and they are treated as if they were criminals. In appearance they take in thousands of new

words, but in practice only a few which are frequently used really stay in their store and can be put to use it. However, students remember little word. Many teachers always put all the blame to the students’ laziness. And they explain for themselves that those students are too lazy to enlarge vocabularies.

In addition, there might be some teachers seeing the long-term memory rule. However, they were never succeeding in applying the memory rule in classroom. The claim is that the time of the each period of class is limited so that they can’t spend so much time on the repetition of vocabulary teaching.

As far as I know, I don’t think their excuses make any sense. Thus, it is not only making students tired, but also cannot help students enlarge vocabulary.

3. Some Methods of Memorizing English Words

3.1 Memorizing words in grouping

In middle school, many textbooks present vocabulary items in random order. Some books have alphabetical lists of new words. In any case, new words may go a step further grouped to point out similarities and differences among them. Such as bright students do this automatically, but some time the slower students run into difficulty precisely, because they don’t notice the obvious grouping.However, the teacher can prepare expositions of group words for helping students to remember the words easily and quickly.Such as :“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and so forth”. Using the method, it can help students to memorize words. And more examples are as the following.

A. Nouns: nouns can be grouped in families.

a. Fruits: orange, banana, apple, melon, lemon and so on.

b. color: red, green, yellow, blue, pink, black and so on.

B. Verbs: verbs can be grouped by its usage and collocation

a. enjoy, avoid, finish+doing.

b. go. v;

go about: perform.

go for: attack.

go against for: oppose.

We can memorize the phrase about the word “go” by comparing their difference.

C. Adjectives: adjectives can be grouped in terms of the way they are used. -ful: wonderful, beautiful, and useful

-ive: active, passive, comparative

-ous: famous, generous, and dangerous

According to memorizing words in grouping, it is easy for students to remember words in learning English.

3.2 Memorizing words in association

In Soviet Union, the famous physiologist Pavlov said: “memory to rely on the association, their association is the basis of memory” (LuXiaoli, 2008, 6). Imaginative memory word is the full use of divergent thinking to start their association. They could learn a word associating with other words.Through the method, it will make students memorize words and students won’t forget it easily.

3.2.1 Natural concept association

The human brain is easy to engender association. Using the rule, teachers can guide and help students learn vocabulary by linking it. In nature imagination, it not only gives top priority to receive, but also help students improve the ability of memory. Such as the nature association, when you see a pencil you are very easy to remember the eraser. In addition, when you are playing ball, you caemember some words. Such as “ball, (play) football, playground.” Therefore, the students can





关键词:单词记忆问题 原因解决办法

















在当今各种介绍单词记忆方法的书和资料盛行的今天,为什么许多学生仍在单词方面感到困难重重?主要有以下几点原因:虽有众多方法,却不一定适合现在的初中生。现在市面上介绍记单词的方法书令人眼花缭乱,很多是根据读音,词根,词缀,同义词,近义词和反义词联想等方面去记,想想初中生之所以英语学不好,就是从初一开始单词跟不上,而记单词从初一甚至小学就已经开始,那时他们对音标掌握不多,更别说是词根了。所以这些方法虽然科学,但不适合初中生,和现在的初中教材 Go for it!也不配套。笔者曾经问过学生,书店里有这么多介绍记单词的书,为什么还是记不来呢?部分学生的回答是没有去看过,即使看了也用不来,因为需要动脑筋去归纳,联想还需要去编造,而他们根本就不想去编,认为费力太多。归根结底还是没有找到适合自己的方法。











最后,要训练学生的学习毅力。教师要帮助学生进行自我分析,如指出单 词记忆不足的环节,通过一些方法和专门练习使他记单词能力得到提高;学会通过体会学习乐趣,自我暗示,自我奖励来消除畏惧心理,树立起学好英语的自信心;例如“我今天该完成多少的任务,现在还有多少没完成,我会战胜这些困难的!”从心理上给予自己能力的肯定,达到目标之后给予一定的奖励和肯定。以此增强 “不服输”、“我不比别人差”的信心和培养奋发向上的精神,在任何时候都能以积极的心态面对各种挑战与困难。


当初笔者在读初中时曾看过胡思先生的一本叫做<<奇特心像联想记忆法》的书,根据书中介绍的方法,自己联想了许多小故事或图像 去记单词,包括利用想象图像、字母形象或谐音联想进行记忆,顺利克服了初中英语单词记忆的难关,为今后学好英语奠定了基础。单词是由多个字母组成,如果不找出其中的规律了,只是一个个字母去背,那可以想象工作量有多大,背的枯燥,效果还不理想,而且坚持不了多久,因此方法显得非常重要。以下介绍几种方法。

1.读音法 :读音把单词中一个个毫无规律的字母串联起来,让这个单词的书写变得有规律可循。所以要重视音标教学,要从一开始就要重视读音。根据读音我们可以知道单词的字母组合:如t/t/ th/θ/ ee或ea发/i:/等。例如fresh adj.新鲜的,清新的,/f/为f ,/r/为r, /e/为e ,/F/为sh,按照读音规律就可以拼写得出。初中阶段一定要从初一开始,音标教学可以放在教生词中进行,长期坚持。英语毕竟是一门语言,不会读就意味着不会说,更不要说要长久记忆了。

2.联想法:把英文读音,字母外这种方法有自己的规则,学习者首先要清楚这些规则或者根据规则创造自己新的规则,如:形象联想记忆的规则n代表门、椅子 ;o代表球或圆圈;P代表斧头;s代表蛇,美女;u代表杯子;x错或叉,y是丫头等,如pants可联想为扛着(p)斧头的(ant) 蚂蚁 抢走了美女(s) 的裤子(pants).;而汉语拼音联想如e 可代表鹅;guide 分解 (gui )鬼+(de)的, 联想:(gui) 鬼的 + (de) 的向导。

联想也可以是同义词,反义词,相似词,同一单词不同词性的联想。如 direct adj. 直接的,联想到 directly adv. 直接地;director n . 主管,主任,导演;uncrowded 联想到crowed; park停车 v.联想到n.公园。也可以这样记:在公园(park)停车(park)。;market n.市场 ,由supermarket超级市场联想到market; organize v. 组织,联想到organization n.或organized adj 。

3.简单的词缀 (前缀和后缀)法:主要是un-,dis-(不) , -ment -tion(n.的标志),-ful(adj的标志),-ly(副词的标志),如dislike(不喜欢)=dis(不)+like(喜欢),help—helpful 。

4.分割法:如documentary 分成docu+men+tary;l+end(结束,结尾) appointment——ap-point-ment(名词的标志), uncrowded--- un (不)-crowd- ed。

5.合成法 black-board,restroom n.公共厕所;休息室;休息(rest)室 (room)也可以当厕所;药品(drug)店(store)就是药店. offend=off+end

6.谐音法: coffee , sofa,cafe ,shampoo 香波等。

当然以上的各种方法可以结合起来一起用,相辅相成,不拘泥于某种方法。如含义联想: a代表一个,一张等,如oak n. 橡树 。联想:OK中插入一(a)棵橡树;谐音加含义联想,如blockn. 街区,街道 :不(b)锁(lock)的街区。


艾宾浩斯遗忘规律让我们知道记的越多忘的越多,因此无论是单词记忆还 是复习可以采取分散替代集中。如当天晚上集中复习一个小时单词不如把单词分成几个时间段去记,上午记一点,下午记一点,晚上再记一点,这样效果更好,记忆之后还要及时再复习和巩固。有很多人在学习英语的过程中,只注重













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