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高三年级Lesson 84 -英语教案









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Lesson 84
Teaching Aims

1. Learn and master the following everyday English:

Possibility and impossibility

I / She / He can / may…

I / She / He may not…

It is likely that…

It is possible that …

He / She is not likely to…

2. Do some listening and writing.

3. Review the Attribute and the useful expressions in this unit.

Teaching Important Points

1. Make the students learn the expressions for possibility and impossibility.

2. Improve the students’ listening ability and writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Points

1. Use the expressions for possibility and impossibility correctly.

2. Make correct sentences with some phrases.

Teaching Methods

1. Listening-and-choice activity to help the students go through the listening material.

2. Make simple dialogue to practise the students’ speaking ability.

Pair work to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1  Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Get Ss to retell the story about Clare Flower.

Step 2  Preparation for listening

SB Page 54, Part 1. Wb Listening, Unit 21. Tell the Ss we’re going to listen to a story about a store detective in London. A store detective works in a shop and looks out for people who are stealing things. Then read aloud the task in Ex. 1 and make sure the Ss understand what to do.

Step 3  Listening

Listening Cassette Unit 21. Do each exercise in turn. Play the tape, then let Ss discuss their answers in pairs. Play the tape again if necessary, then check the answers with the whole class.

Listening Text

A problem for the store detective

Listen to these two conversations which take place in a store in London.


A customer is talking to a shop assistant.

(C = Customer; SA = Shop Assistant

SA: Can I help you?

C: Yes, please. I want to change this skirt.

SA: Whats the matter with it?

C: Nothings the matter with it. Its just the wrong size. Its too short.

SA: Where did you buy it, Madam?

C: Here, in this store. Except that I didnt buy it. My sister bought it for me as a present.

Look, its still got the label on the skirt arid the price.

SA: And when did she buy it?

C: Before Christmas.

SA: Have you got a sale ticket, you know a note of the sale?

C: No, my sister kept that, I suppose. And shes abroad. Shes in America right now.

SA: So you want to change it for a larger size.

C: Thats right.

SA: Would you like to see if you can find one the right size and then bring it over here?


C: Here. Ive found one and it fits me perfectly. Can I take this one then?

SA: Of course, Madam. Ill put it in a bag for you.


The store detective stops the customer outside the store in the street.

(C = Customer; D = Detective)

D: Excuse me, Madam. Im a store detective with M & S. You have just left the store with goods which you have not paid for.

C: Thats not true.

D: You have a skirt in that bag which you havent paid for.

C: I think you have made a mistake.

D: Would you please come back inside the store and explain.

C: Right.

(They go back inside the store and go to the skirt department. )

D: This skirt, Madam. You did not pay for it and you took it out of the store.

C: Youre right. I didnt pay for it because I didnt buy it. I only changed it.

D: You say you changed it?

C: Yes. It was the wrong size. It was a Christmas present from my sister, so I brought it back today and changed it for a larger size.

D: Madam. Here is the skirt which you said was too small. Would you look at this label inside the pocket, please? Do you see this date on the label?

C: Yes.

D: Its yesterdays date. So this means that this skirt was brought into the store yesterday.

Not before Christmas.

C: I expect someone made a mistake.

D: Yes, Madam, you made the mistake. I saw you take this skirt from the skirt department. Then you walked around the store and went up to the second floor. While goingup the stairs I saw you put the skirt into an old M & S bag. Then later you went back to the ground floor and asked to change this skirt.


Ex. l: 1 B  2 A  3 C  4 B

Ex.2: 5 B  6 B  7 D

Ex. 3: Get the students to act out the two scenes in pairs. Get them to use the appropriate actions, gestures and facial expressions while they do this. If one pair are particularly good, get them to act out their scenes in front of the class.

Step 4  Speaking

SB Page 54, Part 2. Check the forms: go through the expressions for expressing possibility and impossibility and check that Ss know how to form complete sentences. Write up some cues on the Bb: pass /fail /go/come back/buy/send/hire/spend. Ask Ss to complete the expressions given in this part. Point out that It is possible that and It is likely that are rather more formal and impersonal than the others. Situation: Demonstrate this activity by talking about situation 1. If you like, you can say: Wheres X? He may be at home. He may just be late. Its possible that hes had an accident on his way to school. Or he may not be well. Then put the Ss in pairs and let them practise.

Step 5  Workbook

Wb Lesson 84, Exx. 1 - 2.

Ex. 1 provides four situational dialogues in which the expressions about possibility and impossibility in Lesson 84, Part 2 may be used. Ask the Ss to do it in pairs first. Then call out some pairs to give their dialogues and discuss the answers. Ex. 2 should be done individually first so that everybody makes an effort to extract the relevant information from the reading passages in this unit. Then call out some Ss to read aloud the whole passage.

Step 6  Checkpoint

Go through the Grammar study section in the previous lesson. Revise the Attribute, especially if any Ss had difficulties, and deal with any language points that you or the Ss wish to raise.

Step 7  Test

Give the Ss the following test to practise the Attribute.

Complete these sentences using your own words.

1  A woman with … stepped into ….

2  I am looking forward to the party on …

3  I enjoy having meals with ….

4  I joined a club for ….

5  A child wearing ….

6  Have you heard the story about ….?

7  People with … should ….

8  She goes to the school where ….

9  I found a box with ….

10  She seems to have a lot to ….

To test the Ss skills of using English, get them to write two short dialogues on any of the topics given in SB Lesson 84, Part 2.

If Time permits, the following exercise may be included in the test. Fill in the blanks with expressions chosen from Part 2 in SB Lesson 84.

1  A: Li Meilin is absent today. Whats happened to her?

B: … that she has fallen ill.

2  A: She … be ill. 1 saw her on my way to school this morning.

C: She … have gone to the railway station to meet her aunt.

3  A: Do you think you will start working at the age of 18?

B: No. I … to start working so early, but … that I will join the army.


1  It is possible/likely

2  is not likely to / cant; may

3  am not likely, it is possible / likely

Step 8  Writing

SB Page 54, Part 3. The aim of this writing task is to practise telling a narrative, using the different tenses correctly. Prepare for the writing task in the following way. Let the Ss practise orally in groups of four. Then get them to write the story either in class or for homework.


I made a appointment with Hope at her office t


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