快 速 阅 读
①给“书虫”当夫人 ②湿湿地想念 ③碧云寺的秋色 ④司马祠⑤海棠花 ⑥祁连雪 ⑦心灵的篝火 ⑧浙江的感兴 ⑨废墟之美
①笛声 ②冬日香山 ③塔里木感怀 ④离太阳最近的树
⑤鲁院里的柿子树 ⑥醉太行 ⑦库尔勒的秋天 ⑧择生与择死⑨半亩缤纷惊天下
Passage 1
AACD 1. hero
2. except
Passage 2
FFTF 1. he flunked / failed in examinations // he could not pass examinations
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Passage 3
CBDCA 1. environment
2. fight againse challenges / hardships / difficulties
Passage 4
FFFT 1. 36
2. reasonable /meaningful
Passage 5
ADDB 1. broaden our viewpoints / eich our life
2. appreciate
Passage 6
TTFT 1. blame
2. take / assume 100% responsibility / be fully responsible
Unit 2
Passage 1
BBDD 1. it separates us from nature
2. more time outdoors
Passage 2
FTTF 1. it is gentle and low-impact
2. mind and body, as well as spirit
Passage 3
BDCA 1 without making proper preparations
2. that will only make the injury worse and can lead to long-term problems Passage 4
FTFF 1. regardless of
2. fair and square
Passage 5
DDAC 1. prevention
2. a later start to the school day
Passage 6
FFTT 1. Federer
2. in the hope of
Unit 3
Passage 1
BDCC 1. there is only eight percent of the Ipv4 numbers of left in the world
2. emerging and developing countries
TFFF 1. to blame / responsible
2. animal-based characters
Passage 3
BADD 1. download speeds will be limited to a maximum of 1 megabit per user
2. The separated nature
Passage 4
TFTF 1. adequate evedence
2. chicken-and-egg puzzle
Passage 5
BDDD 1. unique and hard-to-guess
2. zero-responsibility pretection
Passage 6
TTTF 1. our social and family lives
2. Internet addiction
Unit 4
Passage 1
CDAC 1. impractical
2. she’s too sensitive to horses
Passage 2
FFFF 1. a meaningful opportunity / chance
2. a behind-the-scenes
Passage 3
DBCC 1. interreligious university
2. what is God’s purpose
Passage 4
FTFF 1. iron curtain
2. graceful and simple
Passage 5
ABDD 1. highly skilled entertainers
2. shamisen
Passage 6
TFFF 1. wait-and-see
2. straightforward / direct and informative
Unit 5
Passage 1
DBDC 1. A heart failure
2. a successful performer / King of Pop; a complex individual
Passage 2
TFFT 1. visual and verbal
2. unique
Passage 3
ABAD 1. unconscious thought processes and their relationship to mental symptoms
2. he was born into a Jewish family / he was a Jew
Passage 4
FFFT 1. nature
2. the Apple stores are now retail leaders
Passage 5
DDAC 1. against
2. a (returnig) hero
Passage 6
TTFF 1. transfromational-generative grammar
2. cognitive science
Unit 6
Passage 1
TFFT 1. economics students
2. enjoy them / jokes
Passage 2
DCBA 1. body test; weight
2. the weight you want to lose; time span; feasibility
Passage 3
FFFF 1. we cannot explain or understand
2. positive, the earth, nature
Passage 4
BDDC 1. constructive; developmental
2. their share of the female gaming market
Passage 5
FTFT 1. to control hundreds of future entertainment hours
2. prevent you from seeing ever again
Passage 6
DBCB 1. chess has borrowed from the culures that took it in
2. radical solutions to problems; risky moves with unpredictable results
Unit 7
Passage 1
FFFT 1. suggestions, orders
2. makes an order more acceptable, stimulates the creativity of the persons whom you ask
Passage 2
DBBA 1. the widenign gap between rich and poor; shifting social value; the difficulties of
finding a mate.
2. money, rich people
Passage 3
FFTF 1. doesn’t care about the relationship enough (to nurture it)
2. experience different life events / have different experiences
Passage 4
DDCC 1. cheer you up
2. how you’v echanged for the better
Passage 5
FTTF 1. start one yourself
2. donate your time, get to meet people
Passage 6
BADD 1. similarities
2. clear the credit-card debt
Unit 8
Passage 1
FFTT 1. animal rights, the environment, health concerns
2. resources, doing damage
Passage 2
CBDB 1. resist sudden heavy rains; compete with weeds
2. in several Asian languages, the words for food and rice, or for rice and agriculture, are the same
Passage 3
TFFT 1. Sixty
2. 330, 000
Passage 4
CBBD 1. spread
2. cultural / racial implication
Passage 5
TFTF 1. educated
2. the Warring States
Passage 6
ABBD 1. calories, fat and sugar selling
2. more delicious
Unit 9
Passage 1
FFTT 1. Hannover Exhibitin Centre
2. transport goods and people
Passage 2
FFTT 1. concept cars, actual production car introductions / actual production cars
2. high public demand for vehicles in everyday use; the fact that concept cars dominate the show; passenger cars and motorcycles; commercial vehicles.
Passage 3
TFFT 1. the Chinese National; Chinese Provinces
2. Chinese cultures
Passage 4
BCAB 1. oversea /overseas / foreign
2. to have a stand at eh Canton Fair
Passage 5
BCAD 1. the history of the World Trade Center; the September 11 attacks; the public response
2. audio pieces about the WTC; the Fresh Kills Recovery Operation
Passage 6
DBCA 1. better city, better life
2. Chinese people are making continual effort to carry forward their traditional culture when China is intergrating itself into the world
Unit 10
Passage 1
FFFT 1. the Greek gods, the abilities of the Greek people
2. the honour of being awarded a gold medal; the enormous amounts of sponsorship benefits given upon top sportspeople
Passage 2
BCBC 1. an official presence
2. his belief in the power of ideas; the need to communicate America’s views abroad
Passage 3
FTFF 1. forty
2. keep the herd together, bad men and Indians
Passage 4
BBDB 1. the Qinzhuan
2. prevent his people to think freely
Passage 5
TFFT 1. the Piri Reis map, Innocent’s tomb
2. the latter (Bausani) is an authority on the Piri Reis map
Passage 6
DBCD 1. it broke the rails, stram engines could be used to move trains
2. Bullet Train, the TGV
在不断学习的过程中,我们尝试着各种各样的方法,却很少人从改善阅读方式的角度来思考这个问题。既然我们时间有限,为什么不能提高阅读效率,在相同的时间比别人阅读更多的书籍,获取更多的知识呢?!我们每一个人都有着快速阅读的能力,只是,人们对自己大脑的认识太少,很少人对自己的阅读、记忆进行过系统训练,于是,大部分人基本上还保持着旧的落后的阅读习惯,比如: 1、音读,即大脑中发声。音读的最大弊端,是使阅读速度等同于说话的速度,从而拖慢阅读速度;2、字读,逐字阅读习惯并不能增加你对文章的理解程度,反而在许多时候会把意思完整的句子割裂,妨碍和减慢了对全句或全段的理解及记忆;3、指读 ,用手指着字句,因为手指不及眼睛敏捷,所以绝对会降低阅读速度 4、转动头颈 ,颈部带动头部从一边转向另一边,降低了阅读速度,增加了学习中的难度与疲劳辛苦; 5、回视返读 ,总是怀疑自己的记忆与理解力,总认为看得快就会看不清、记不住,所以不断地返回重读,而不是专注向前迎接新的内容;
6、假阅读 ,思想不集中,注意力分散,眼睛看着书,脑子早就神游到了另一个世界,书中的信息很少进入大脑。7、死读书 ,死记硬背的读书方式,需要考试或使用时却不能迅速反应,灵活运用;等等….因此,高效阅读必须克服这些不良阅读习惯!
做到“一目半行”、“一目一行”、甚至“一目多行” 了。同时通过思维导图对自己的记忆力加以训练,实现快速阅读和记忆力的完美结合,提高阅读的效率和乐趣。原来每分钟能读懂200字(未经过训练的普通人的阅读速度),现在将效率提高6倍,每分钟读懂1200字,原来需要两小时读懂的内容,现在20分钟就读懂了,以前10天才能看完的书,现在1天就看完了!这个信息爆炸式增长,各类学科知识呈几何数字式倍增的时代,这意味着你将拥有几倍甚至10倍于别人的学习能力和效率。无论是平时工作中的学习、又或是参加各类考试,高效的阅读都能让你更加从容自如地摄取知识,应对考试。
国家教育部师范司的评审结果中评审快速阅读时说道:"这是一种简便易行且风险近乎零的训练,它成功的前提就是执行者肯付诸行动。"因此,这项训练不存在失败的可能,只要你坚持训练,唯一有所不同的是由于个体差异的原因,成功的大小会因人不同。有的人,通过训练能达到万字/分钟的阅读速度,而对于大部分人,哪怕提高5-10倍,达到1000-3000字/分钟以上就相当值了,原来一个月才能看完的书,现在两三天就可以看完了。 而这,只需30个小时的坚持训练。欢迎大家去了解速读的知识、原理,相信它会给你的人生带来一种全新的改变!
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