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Shirring 褶襞,装饰性的褶带

Total length from HPS 前长(肩顶度)

Placket width at bottom 袋阔在脚位度

Placket width at top 袋阔在顶位度

Placket height at center 袋高在中间度

Pocket height at sides 袋高在侧边度

Pocket opening 袋开口

Pocket plomt up from buttom hem 袋位置在衫脚上

Forearm width 4‖from cuff seam 臂阔袖骨位上4‖

Bodice length from HPS to seam 衫身长距膊顶至骨

Neck turnback height 领折入后高

Front neck drop from HPS 前领深

Armhole length straight from neck fold to s.s.夹长(从领摺起边到侧骨)

Armhole trunback height 夹圈折入后高

Armhole tirm height 夹捆高

Across front @ mid armhole(edge to edge) 前上胸阔—夹圈中度

Hood hem height 帽脚高

Hood width at widest point 帽阔(在最阔总度)

Bake yoke height from CB neck seam 后驳片高距后中领骨

Double needle straddle: @ side seam 侧骨:冚双针骑骨线

Back moon facing-width from widest point 后龟背阔—最宽点度后半月贴阔—从最阔点度)

Back moon facing-length from CB back 后龟背长—领骨度后半月贴长-从后中领度下)

Length from HPS (front)- tops 前衫长-肩顶度

Chest width at 1‖blw A/H 胸阔- 夹下1度

Bottom sweeep width 脚阔

Bottom hem height 脚咀高

Bottom width at seam 裙摆宽(骨位度)

Bottom sweep width @ edge 裙摆宽(在边度)

Across shoulder 肩阔

Across back at mid A/H 后阔—夹中度

Across chest at mid A/H 胸阔—夹中度

Across back 4‖ from HPS 后上胸(膊顶下4‖度) 前

Across back at strap join seam 后肩宽(在带驳骨位度)

Sleeve length from shoulder袖长—肩点度

Sleeve length from shoulder seam 袖长—肩骨度

Sleeve length from shoulder incl rib 袖长(膊度连袖咀)

Sleeve cap height 袖山高

Sleeve inseam length 袖内骨长

Sleeve inseam length incl rib 袖底长

Armhole length straight 夹直长


Armhole straight 夹宽(直度)

Sleeve opening width 袖口阔

---along rib edge --边度

Sleeve rib height 袖罗纹高

Sleeve cuff height 袖咀高

Shoulder slope 肩斜

Cuff opening width along rib seam 袖口阔—骨度

CF & CB Banner Width 前后幅驳条阔

CF banner plcmt down from placket end 前幅驳条离筒底

Back rise-incl WB to crotch seam 后浪(包腰头至驳幅骨位)

Outseam incl WB 外长(包腰头)

Leg hem height 脚咀高

Crotch panel length 驳幅长

Crotch panel width 驳幅宽

Back(Front)neck drop from HPS 后(前)领深—肩顶度

Neck width seam to seam 领阔—骨至骨

Minimum neck stretch 最小领拉度

Collar length at top edge 领长(边度)

Collar height at CB (not including collarband) 领高--后中度(包下级领)

Collar point length 领尖长

Collar stand height at CF 下级领高,前中度

Collar roll over height @ CB 领拉链唇线到后中高

Collar point spread 领尖距

Collar length at outer edge 领长(边度)

Collar circumference along top edge 领围(外边长)

Placket length 筒长

Placket width 筒阔

Side went height(front)前侧叉高

Back neck tape height 后领捆高 后领带阔

Forward shoulder 肩走前

Stripe width measure from body 驳片阔

Tape width at inside neck and side vents 领捆和侧叉人字带阔

Front opening wind flap width @ top 前防风贴顶阔

Front panel piecing 前幅

Logo placement --- HPS to top of logo 穿计左胸车花位—花边至顶

Logo placement down from shoulder seam ---距肩骨

Logo placement in from CF 前中横度

Logo placement --- in from CF to inside edge …花边距前中

---up from sleeve cuff seam 距袖口骨位

---in from CF-WR chest 穿计右胸车花位距前中


stitch length thru center

Logo POS below Wr

s left HPS-Top crown 左胸章仔:膊顶度至花顶

Logo POS below Wr’

s left CF-Leaf Edge 左胸章仔:前中横度

Print POS up from hem @ ss 右侧印花位:衫脚咀上在侧骨处

Printing pos first buckle below pkt over CF 右侧印花:前中横度

1st flounce height 第一层裙摆高

1st button placement down from neck 顶钮:筒顶度下

CF length(from top edge to crotch fold)衫长(前中顶至浪底)

CB length(from top edge to crotch fold)衫长(后中顶至浪底)

CB placket stitch length at sides 后筒车线长(侧度)

Chest width at top smocking stitching(relaxed) 胸阔(打缆位松度)

Chest width at armhole edge(stretched)胸阔(夹位处拉度)

Hip width 1/2‖above encased elastic 坐围(丈根上1/2‖)

Leg opening width (stretched) 裤口阔(拉度)

Leg opening width: along curve(relaxed) 裤口阔(沿裤口弯度)

Back leg curve at center 后裤口弯(中度)

Crotch width at front edge 浪底阔(前边度)

Crotch width at fold 浪底阔(折边度)

Crotch forward from fold 浪底走前(折边度)

Leg opening hem height 裤口脚高

Front neck width: distance between inside straps 前领阔(吊带里间距度)

Strap length 吊带长

Top tier height from last smoking stitch 顶层衫长(从最后一条打缆线度)

Bottom tier height(showing) 底层衫长(外露部分)

Tier hem height(blind) 衫脚高

Collar ruffle height 领打褶花边高

Placket box stitch height 前筒盒子线高

Ruffle height(top) 裙脚打褶花边高(顶层)

Ruffle height(bottom) 裙脚打褶花边高(总长)

Bottom ruffle hem height 裙脚高(折入)



Aggregate income statement 合并损益表

Operating Results 经营业绩


Gross revenues 总收入/毛收入

Net revenues 销售收入/净收入

Sales 销售额

Turnover 营业额

Cost of revenues 销售成本

Gross profit 毛利润

Gross margin 毛利率

Other income and gain 其他收入及利得

EBITDA 息、税、折旧、摊销前利润(EBITDA)


EBITA 息、税、摊销前利润

EBIT 息税前利润/营业利润

Operating income(loss) 营业利润/(亏损)

Operating profit 营业利润

Operating margin 营业利润率

EBIT margin EBIT率(营业利润率)

Profit before disposal of investments 出售投资前利润

Operating expenses: 营业费用:

Research and development costs (R&D) 研发费用

marketing expensesSelling expenses 销售费用

Cost of revenues 营业成本

Selling Cost 销售成本

Sales and marketing expenses Selling and marketing expenses 销售费用、或销售及市场推广费用

Selling and distribution costs 营销费用/行销费用

General and administrative expenses 管理费用/一般及管理费用 Administrative expenses 管理费用

Operating income(loss) 营业利润/(亏损)

Profit from operating activities 营业利润/经营活动之利润

Finance costs 财务费用/财务成本

Financial result 财务费用

Finance income 财务收益

Change in fair value of derivative liability associated with Series B convertible redeemable preference shares 可转换可赎回优先股B相关衍生负债公允值变动

Loss on the derivative component of convertible bonds 可換股債券衍生工具之損失

Equity loss of affiliates 子公司权益损失

Government grant income 政府补助

Other (expense) / income 其他收入/(费用)

Loss before income taxes 税前损失

Income before taxes 税前利润

Profit before tax 税前利润

Income taxes 所得税

taxes 税项

Current Income tax 当期所得税

Deferred Income tax 递延所得税

Interest income 利息收入

Interest income net 利息收入净额

Profit for the period 本期利润

Ordinary income 普通所得、普通收益、通常收入

Comprehensive income 综合收益、全面收益

Net income 净利润

Net loss 净损失

Net Margin 净利率

Income from continuing operations 持续经营收益或连续经营部门营业收益

Income from discontinued operations 非持续经营收益或停业部门经营收益

extraordinary gain and loss 特别损益、非常损益

Gain on trading securities 交易证券收益

Net Profit attributable to Equity Holders of the Company 归属于本公司股东所有者的净利润

Net income attributed to shareholders 归属于母公司股东的净利润或股东应占溢利(香港译法)

Profit attributable to shareholders 归属于股东所有者(持有者)的利润或股东应占溢利(香港译法)

Minority interests 少数股东权益/少数股东损益

Change in fair value of exchangeable securities 可交换证券公允值变动 Other comprehensive income — Foreign currency translation adjustment 其他综合利润—外汇折算差异

Comprehensive (loss) / income 综合利润(亏损)

Gain on disposal of assets 处分资产溢价收入

Loss on disposal of assets 处分资产损失

Asset impairments 资产减值

Gain on sale of assets 出售资产利得

Intersegment eliminations 公司内部冲销

Dividends 股息/股利/分红

Deferred dividends 延派股利

Net loss per share: 每股亏损

Earnings per share(EPS) 每股收益

Earnings per share attributable to ordinaryequity holders of the parent 归属于母公司股东持有者的每股收益

-Basic -基本

-Diluted -稀释/摊薄(每股收益一般用稀释,净资产用摊薄) Diluted EPS 稀释每股收益

Basic EPS 基本每股收益

Weighted average number of ordinary shares: 加权平均股数: -Basic -基本

-Diluted -稀释/摊薄

Derivative financial instruments 衍生金融工具

Borrowings 借貸

Earnings Per Share, excluding the (loss)gain on the derivative component of convertible bonds and exchange difference 扣除可换股债券之衍生工具评估损益及汇兑损失后每股盈

Historical Cost 历史成本

Capital expenditures 资本支出

revenues expenditure 收益支出

Equity in earnings of affiliatesequity earnings of affiliates 子公司股权收益附属公司股权收益联营公司股权收益

equity in affiliates 附属公司权益

Equity Earning 股权收益、股本盈利

Non-operating income 营业外收入

Income taxes-current 当期所得税或法人税、住民税及事业税等(日本公司用法)


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